The Need for Sustenance



Necessary Evil, Time Sink, or Love Language?


I have an odd relationship with food, in that I don’t really care about it. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy certain foods. But I eat just so that I don’t starve for the most part. Before I got married I used to have to double check sometimes to make sure I had eaten. It was easy for me to get caught up in whatever I was doing and forget to eat. I also had an issue with cooking in that the time involved never seemed to be worth it. To cook a good meal I would have to at least put in twenty minutes, add to that the time spent eating and I was wasting a half hour easy.

My feelings on cooking changed after I met my wife. She doesn’t forget to eat and enjoys a well cooked meal. I was hardly a top notch chef but I’ve been doing my best to rise to the challenge ever since. I’ve also found I enjoy cooking for her, the process of turning the assorted ingredients into a full meal a soothing one. I still struggle with the time investment, especially after a long day of work. But I’m always happy to have made a pleasing meal. Now with the arrival of our daughter there is a new potential food critic in the house.

Once she starts sampling grown up food there will be a new set of tastes to cater too. I look forward to finding her likes and dislikes and creating those fond childhood memories of treasured foods and snacks. I still remember the way my dad makes grilled cheese, the perfect golden brown crust and the gooey cheese. Its something I still strive to emulate today in my own grilled cheese. There are many things I can’t do well, but for whatever reason cooking is something I’ve been given some ability in. Even if its just enough so that I can show my love to my wife.


In blog news, this marks the start of my second week of posting. I logged 3369 total words and nine posts for the previous week. If I continue at that rate I’ll have over 175 thousand words written in a year. About the size of a long novel or two shorter novels. Thanks for all the likes and the follows, I’ll try to keep things interesting for this week too.

2 responses to “The Need for Sustenance

  1. Pingback: The One Lovely Blog Award « Our Sun Shines

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